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Massage, Reflexology

Raindrop Therapy Detox Massage
90 Minute - $115

This technique is excellent for reducing inflammation and strengthening the immune system to ward off illness. It clears the spine of latent bacteria and viruses, and brings about a deep sense of well being and relaxation, allowing the spine to rest, heal, and in some cases begin self-correct postural distortions. It is a full body detox massage. First, essential oils are dropped one by one along the spine and worked into the skin. Next, a heating pad is laid over the spine while the arms, legs and scalp are massaged. Finally, the heating pad is removed, and the rest of the massage is completed as a relaxation massage would be, and the feet are wrapped in warm towels. Be sure to drink plenty of water after this service! The essential oils used are Basil, Marjoram, Thyme, Oregano, Wintergreen, Cypress, and Peppermint. If you have known allergies to any of these oils, please inform your therapist.

***ADD to any massage - Sheet Mask, Eye Treatment &/or Lip Treatment***


minimal added time, Sheet mask $20, Lip &/or Eye Treatment $10 each, add all 3 for $30. All skin types.

Heated Himalayan Salt Stone Wrap


50 mins $60, with massage $50


This service uses heated Himalayan Salt stones to brush the body to remove initial dead skin & bring circulation to the surface (following the flow of Lymph System). The hands & feet are massaged with the stones & left on to work. Next a mixture of oils & salt are massaged into the skin, then a thermal wrap is used to wrap the body (you will sweat). The mixture & stones are left for 20 mins, then the majority of the salt is removed with warm, wet towels.This service helps balance pH of the skin/assists in optimal inner pH, balances oily & dry skin, restores moisture to the skin (hydrates), detoxifies the entire body (equivilant to fasting for several days). digestively exfoliates the skin, balances all the meridians of the body and sedates the central nervous system. Not for those who have contraindications to heat (pregnancy, medications, etc). Possible for those with skin conditions, diabetic, etc Please discuss with therapist.

Salt Stone Hand &/or Foot Massage
Add on - Hands or Feet $8;  Both $15; add  5-10 mins
Heated salt stones are used to massage the hands &/or feet.

Massage & Full Body Scrub

1 hr customized massage & scrub $110, with scalp massage $125.


This is an amazing combination of a 1 hr massage and a full body scrub. A coconut oil scalp massage makes a fabulous addition to this service. Shower use is included in the time & cost. Allow about 2 hrs total, including shower.

​Specialized  Massage
30 Minutes - $40, 1 Hour - $70, 90 Minutes - $105

Each massage is customized to each client, every time. This is done by incorperating different techniques, evaluating the clients concerns & checking the clients gait & posture. 


Add on to any massage $10


Aromatherapy involves the use of pure essential oils either individually or in special blends for either the simple added sensory component of your massage, or to achieve a specific effect such as deeper relaxation, gentle alertness, relief of soreness, or even treatment of symptoms such as respiratory inflammation or psoriasis



15 Minutes - $25, 30 Minutes - $40


Reflexology is a holistic massage technique focusing on the hands and feet. The therapist treats reflex points at these areas which in turn stimulate nervous and facial tissue in the corresponding zone of the body. Reflexology can have an effect on muscular pain, but also affects a healing response in every other part of the body, making it ideal for treating the internal organs, nervous disorders, hormonal imbalances, and immune disorders through massage therapy.








Scalp Massage
10 Min - $15

Scalp and hair is treated to massage using coconut oil. This massage helps relax the scalp and is nourishing for the hair. It

is especially good to have done before going to the lake or out

in the sun.



Head, Hand & Foot Treatment

55 Minutes, $70

This service involves the coconut oil scalp massage, as well  as a hand & foot reflexology & scrub.

Add on - Hands or Feet $8;  Both $15

Therapeutic Salt scrubs address the hands and feet, and consist of sea salt, Pink Himalayan salt & Epsom salt blended with oil and a customized combination of essential oils.The scrub mix is used to gently abrade the skin to produce a softening effect from exfoliation, as well as to allow the essential oils used to penetrate the skin more easily. The Salt scrub can be added to any other service, but fits especially well with our reflexology treatments. The salt scrub service add on requires an additional 15 minutes.


Paraffin Wax Treatment

Add on - Hands or Feet $8;  Both $15

Hands &/or feet are dipped in warm paraffin wax, then covered with gloves or booties. The wax softens the skin, can help with dryness & is relaxing. After the wax cools, cream is massaged into the skin.

Paraffin Wax Treatment & Scrub

Add on - Hands or Feet $15;  Both $25

Try them both together!

Pre-Natal Massage


60 Minutes $70


This massage is intended for those in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters only. I don't recommend massage to those in their 1st trimester, but will do energy work. This massage will help the mother -to-be, relax & will help loosen & relax the muscles in the hips & back. 

Hot Stones Massage

90 Minutes - $110  **BY REQUEST ONLY (not available for online booking) & Only after 2pm**


Hot Stone Massage involves the use of heated basalt stones to apply both massage therapy as well as heat therapy during a treatment. This combination penetrates deep into the muscular, fascial, and tendonous tissues to unravel, soothe, and promote both profound relaxation and increased circulation.

***All services have a buffer of 15-30 minutes. If you are having difficulty scheduling more than 1 service or are just having trouble finding an appointment, please contact me directly. Online scheduling doesn't allow for overlapping of services, but I can manually put it in. ***

Facials, Microdermabrasion, Extras


Before Microdermabrasion

After 1 treatment: acne scars lessened, pigmentation lightened

***If receiving skin treatment & massage during the same visit, save $10.***


Raindrops... Signature Skin Treatment - for anyone with a face


60 Minutes - $90


Each product is chosen specifically for your skin's unique needs & includes:

-Skin Analysis

-Deep Cleansing



-Steam (if appropriate)

-Extractions (if necessary & desired, up to 10 mins)

-Face & neck massage




Glow on the go Skin Treatment


30 Minutes - $50

Each product is chosen specifically for your skin's unique needs.


This is a condensed version of the Raindrops...Signature Skin Treatment for the face. No Skin Analysis or Extractions.

The Art of ZEN - ReZENerate Nano Skin Treatment


80 Minutes - $130; Face only for ReZENerate, neck & decolletage extra $35 each area.

Each product is chosen specifically for your skin's unique needs.


The groundbreaking Rezenerate NanoFacial drastically reduces fine lines and leaves your skin feeling & looking younger. Utilizing cutting-edge Nanotechnology, the pressure points of Acupressure, principles of Yogicfacial exercises, and the cool touch of Cold Therapy, Rezenerate NanoFacial delivers unparalleled ‘Rez’ults! It provides an immediate plumpness while also allowing for greater absorption of the nutrients introduced into the skin during the treatment. Each product is chosen specifically for your skin's unique needs and is totally relaxing. This is a fabulous choice for someone who wants a truly corrective treatment without any downtime! Raindrops...Signature Skin Treatment for the face included.

Beaming Back


 45 Minutes - $75

Each product is chosen specifically for your skin's unique needs.


This is a Skin Treatment for the back & includes all the same steps as the Raindrops...Signature Skin Treatment for the face, including extractions.


Add Ons:


Diamond Tip Microdermabrasion


up to 30 Minutes for each area - $40 each area, added to a skin treatment $30, package of 6 $150 ($25 each, expires in 6 months from date of purchase)

A minimally invasive procedure used to renew overall skin tone and texture. It can improve the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, acne scarring, melasma, and other skin-related concerns and conditions.* Not for those with sensitive or couperose skin, rosecea or those with the predisposition of pigmentation problems. Regular visits may help to increase growth of new cells. Benefits include:

  • Smoothness.

  • Brighter complexion.

  • Reduced appearance of fine lines.

  • Evened out skin tone.

  • Reduced appearance of dark spots.

  • Cleaned-out pores.

Lip Scrub - add on $8


This will exfoliate the lips & allow for renewed skin to surface. Includes hydration.

Prana 5 Step Lip Treatment

Add 10 mins, $25 with facial or Prana 5 step eye treatment (each), $30 stand alone.

This is for anyone with thirsty, cracked or sore lips; helps with excessive sun exposure.  It helps protect against free radicals & premature aging, supports collagen synthesis, helps diminish vertical lines & gives lips a fuller appearance by making the vermillion border more prominent.

Prana 5 Step Eye Treatment - $25 with other service or $30 standalone


Add 10 mins, $25 with facial or Prana 5 step lip treatment (each), $30 stand alone.


This is for anyone who wants to diminish the signs of aging; has exhausted eyes, fine lines & furrows; excessive travelers or sleep deprivation; crepey skin & protruding fat pockets; dark circles, allergies or oversleep; helps to strengthen the muscles to prevent puffiness; thickens collagen network that gives the skin the structural support.


Ionic Foot Detox & Far Infrared belt


30 Minutes - $35, Recommended 1 every week for 6 weeks, depending on client issues (must be used consecutively or forfeit discounted rate) $30 each = $180, due 1st session. 


Ionic Foot Detox helps to neutralize oppositely charged toxins in the cells of the body.  Infrared Belt acts like a magnet that helps pull negative ions throughout your body. Both promote the body's natural ability to detoxify itself. Not for those with any implanted electrical devices (ex: pacemaker), while pregnant, no open wounds on feet, no blood thinners. Ask Dr if epileptic, undergoing chemo or radiation or hemophiliac. 

Shower Use


20 Minutes - $8

If you're coming straight from work or working out, or just going out after your service, book some shower time. You can book time before or after your service. This includes the use of shower, linens, shampoo, conditioner, soap or gel, wide comb & shower cap. You may of course, bring your own supplies if you'd like,


​​Couples Massage Class


3 Hours - $225


This class is customized for each couple. No matter your level of understanding of massage, I'll help you both understand how to massage your partner. You'll learn basic massage techniques,about pressure & safety. You'll learn seated & table (which can be translated to floor or bed) techniques & you'll both have a chance to work on your partner & have them work on you. You'll also learn how to pick the best product for you, to massage with (lotion, oil, cream, etc).

Before     After
REZ before and after 61019.jpeg
Rez nanoglobes 61019.png
Rez wand pic 61019.png

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